NameInclined Studio
Addressc-101 palm glory,opp neel giri flat
bh sola bhagwat temple,sola
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Designer/Architect NameHimanshu Patel
Title of imageHAASTKALA (haastkala is a Hindi word means hand imprint in English)
Location and CountrySasan Gir ,Gujarat ,India
Date photo was taken12/02/2021
Short description

Caption – The understanding of the tactile interplay between natural texture,
physical space, hand movement, sunlight and the architecture synergy.

The material palette consists of a collaboration of organic and locally sourced materials, used traditionally. The organic paste has been developed from mixing local clay, sand, lime and stone dust. It was an objective to acknowledge and bring about an awareness for a positive impact on the environment by using sustainable material. This image communicates the aesthetic harmony with the objective of the architecture with its environment. The surface texture of the organic application on the exteriors subtly conveys to one the story of 'Authenticity'. The originality of the handmade material and its application is visible in the image. Furthermore, the trueness of natural material, the context, its effects and the dialogue of the architecture with the sunlight is synergistic. The Architect's vision has been fulfilled whilst the capture transcends the design and enters the realm. It only inspires to build an environmentally and economically responsible design.

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